Welcome Back Plans!


Out of an abundance of caution, the Youth Center put any in-person activities on hold while the Covid-19 case numbers were at an all time high during recent months. We offered to-go bags of food and snacks for the week, provided hygiene supply pickup times, and hosted several virtual events like trivia to keep our kids engaged.

We are so excited to begin offering in-person activities again, and we plan to open our doors again within the next two weeks! We will announce our reopening date once we have finalized the installation of our new air purifying systems- we will not open without them!

Safety has always been a top priority for us, so we have had to adapt this year to meet the needs of our members, while also keeping them as safe as possible. In our return to in-person activities, we have had to make some decisions about how we will move forward through this next phase of the pandemic.

Mondays and Tuesdays we will be open for Middle School students from 2pm-5pm, and Thursdays and Fridays we will be open for High School Students from 3pm-6pm, for a max of 10 kids in the building at a time.

If you stop by on a day that isn’t for your age group, but we have less than 10 kids currently in the building, you are welcome to come in, we will just have you head out if we have more kids from the day’s age group show up and we reach capacity. You are welcome to stop by for food on any of the days, regardless of age grouping!

Here are some of the plans we have put in place for the time being:

1) Masks and Social Distancing- Just like throughout the fall we will ask all of our members to wear a mask at all times while in the Youth Center, no exceptions. Our staff will be double masking to provide an extra layer of protection while in the building with our members. If you can’t handle wearing your mask, we will have to ask you to leave for the day. Because of our strict mask policy, we will be passing out snacks and food to take home to enjoy. When you are heading out for the night, swing by the kitchen and we will be sure to pack you a bag!

2) Sports- One of our biggest changes moving into this next phase of the pandemic, is the increase of activities being offered elsewhere. We have a close relationship with local school districts, and we have decided that if you or someone in your home is participating in a sport, you will have to remain virtual with us at this time. Just like many of the local schools are asking athletes to be completely virtual, we stand by that policy as well. Don’t worry, we will not forget about you during the weeks you’re playing your sport, and we will be ready to welcome you back when the time is right!

3)Parents- We are limiting the number of people in the building so parents will have to pick up and drop off kids, and remain outside the building. If you have any questions, or need to contact us please email us at gfareayouthcenter@gmail.com or call us at (518)793-5932!

4)Sickness and Air Filtration- If you are feeling sick at all, even a little, please do not come in! If someone in your house is sick, please do not come in! This time of year with the weather changing, we have a lot of members tell us a runny nose or cough is “just allergies”. Unfortunately, we can’t take any chances, so if you have any sort of symptoms we will have to ask you to head home for the day. We have purchased Aeris Cleantec Air Purifiers to place throughout the building! These filters can filter out particles down to .1 micron, including the coronavirus! This is one added layer of precaution we have put in place to keep you all safe.

We are SO lucky to have the Youth Center as a place to recreate, get needed supplies and food, meet friends, and have fun...but being together in the Youth Center is a privilege for us all. Throughout our pause we have been able to continue our food security and hygiene programs, as well as virtually support many of our members. We want to open because we know how important the in-person portion of the Youth Center is to so many, but we are insistent that we keep each and every one of our members safe. Getting back to in-person learning everyday at school is a priority, and if we ever had a case at the Youth Center, this could potentially affect school districts in Warren, Washington, and Saratoga Counties. This year has been so hard on students, and we will do everything we can to safely provide for you in every way possible!

Hope to see you at the YC soon!

Youth Center