From a Former Member

The impact of The Glens Falls Area Youth Center echoes in the lives of so many of our former members, even decades after they played their last game of secret ball, or threw their last dodgeball. If you've never been part of the youth center, you may not realize its magic.

We caught up with a former member, Alex, (who also happens to be a program coordinator at the YC!) to hear a bit about what the Youth Center means to her.


Former Member ​Q&A

My name is Alex, I am 22, and I work at the GFAYC and Starbucks. I first came to the youth center when I was 12 years old and it has been my second home ever since.

1. What first brought you to the Youth Center?

Alex: The best summer of my life was the summer of 2011 when one of my friends brought me to the Youth Center. I made so many friends and went every single day from open to close.


2. What kept you coming back?

Alex: I loved all the connections I made. So many new people. I also loved eating there so I didn’t have to find something to eat when I got home (I lived off of peanut butter sandwiches so the dinners at the Youth Center added a little diversity to my diet).

3. What's one thing you wish people knew about the YC?

Alex: I wish the people new how much the staff cares about the kids that go there. No matter who was working there, they always looked out for us and took every opportunity available to teach us some new life skills.

4. Do you remember your favorite YC game?

Alex: I loved playing chess with Matt, even though I always lost, I was determined to beat him and eventually I did!

5. What lessons from the Youth Center had a big impact on you and your life?

Alex: Help others without the expectation of a reward. Life has its way off giving back to those who give selflessly.

6. Why do you think the Youth Center is important in the community?

Alex: The Youth Center is important because it allows kids to have access to things that under other circumstances they may have never had. Free meals, snacks, hygiene products, socializing with kids of different backgrounds and ages, fun physical activities, homework help, and a support system they may have never known they needed.


7. Tell us about one of your favorite memories

Alex: I will forever cherish every time I walked in those doors, and no matter how long I’d been gone, Matt greeted me by name with a smile on his face.

8. Describe how your childhood would have been without the Youth Center

Alex: I honestly don’t even like thinking about it. Matt was one of my biggest supporters. I knew if I fell, he’d always have my back. Without the Youth Center I wouldn’t have met any of my friends. I would have been lonely with nothing to look forward to after school. I might have even fallen into the wrong crowd and went down the wrong path. Like I said, I don’t like imaging my life without the Youth Center. I wouldn’t be who I am today without it, I can say that for sure.

9. What’s the best piece of advice you have for our current members?

Alex: You are not alone. You will never be alone now that you are a Youth Center member. If you need something, please don’t hesitate to come to us. Remember, I was just like you once upon a time, and I haven’t forgotten what it was like. Life can be scary but we always have your back.

If you are a former member of the Youth Center, we would love to hear about your experiences at the YC. As a non-profit our work is never done. We strive to continuously advocate for our kids, and your stories help us really relay the message of the youth center to the next generation of kids. Once a YC kid, always a YC kid!

Youth Center