Septembers YC Theme of the Month: Patience

“Learning patience can be a difficult experience, but once conquered you will find life easier.”

-Catherine Pulsifer

The theme of the month for September is patience. Patience is often defined as “the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.” Being patient is rarely easy, but it is a crucial life skill. 

How many of you picked up a pool stick for the very first time and perfectly hit in a ball? Did you sit down at a piano and immediately know how to play Bach and Beethoven? I’m sure you walked into math class and instantly knew how to do trigonometry too, right? Learning new skills and reaching goals takes time and patience! Even famous athletes have practiced patience while perfecting their sport. Give yourself grace, and enjoy the journey while learning new things.

Studies have shown that people who practice patience experience better mental health overall. When you realize that traffic jams, frozen computer screens, and long lines are not worth getting upset over--accepting that these things are just daily hassles, and not a real reason to stress-- will help you be happier with your days overall. This type of patience is often referred to as tolerance. Tolerance means you accept things, situations, and people for how they are. You can be tolerant of those daily hassles and not let them affect your peace of mind!

Being patient with people in your life will also improve your relationships and friendships. I’m sure you can think of a time in your life where you were grateful that a friend showed you some compassion and patience. Maybe you were running late to meet them for lunch, and they held your spot and waited to eat with you. Maybe you were having a really rough day and your friend was patient with your grumpy attitude. Whatever the scenario may be, having empathy towards others and their situations, and showing them a little patience, goes a long way. 

Want some examples of real-life Youth Center situations where patience is important?

  • One of our high schoolers is playing pickleball with a newer fifth grade member who is just learning the game, and hasn’t perfected their skill. Instead of rolling your eyes and getting frustrated, have some patience and focus on being encouraging! Don’t you play better when you’ve got the support of your team?

  • We’re playing a tournament in the main room and it’s not your turn to play. It takes patience to wait for your turn, especially when you’re really excited to participate. A great way to practice patience in this scenario would be to cheer on your fellow members who are playing! You can still be positive and supportive while waiting for your time to play, and being involved on the sidelines will still help pass the time!

  • You really want to play a game of ping pong with Alex, but the table is currently in use. You can either stand there miserable, counting down the seconds in agony until they are finished with their game...OR you could enjoy one of the other hundred fun things the YC has to offer, while patiently waiting for the table to open up. You can choose to be miserable, or you can choose to have fun while waiting!

  • We’re doing a craft that requires drying time between steps, but you really want to finish it now. You can feel that the paint is still wet, but you go to glue it together anyway. More than likely, you’re going to ruin your project and have to start all over, right? This is a perfect example of how oftentimes rushing through things and not taking your time can actually set you back. We’ve all heard the story of the tortoise and the hair, sometimes slow and steady really does win the race!

Patience is a life skill that most people have to work on their entire lives, because being patient is rarely the easiest option for any of us. As you grow through your school aged years and move into the workforce, patience will still play a huge role in your success at a job. If you decide to become a parent someday, that too will require endless patience. We will continue to encourage patience at the youth center at every opportunity, because we know you have it in you, and it truly is a crucial part of your own happiness and wellbeing!

Carly LaMay